joy (Гость)
joy (Гость)
Is there a problem with the email? I don't seem to be getting emails when they are sent to me.

Последние изменения: 26 Дек 2006, 17:05
Is there a problem with the email? I don't seem to be getting emails when they are sent to me.
there has NOT been a problem with the email notification in general, but I know that there are some problems with AOL accounts as they consider the emails as spam, so please check your anti-spam settings you can always call our office to find more if there has been some servers' issues.
joy (Гость)
joy (Гость)
As of today 04/03 I havent gotten any copies of email confirmations that I get after a customer places an order like I normally do and I dont have aol.
LazyGatto (Гость)
LazyGatto (Гость)

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